Oklahoma English Teachers: Join Me At OKCTE

OCTE Fall 2016It may seem like I’ve fallen off the face of the planet. Actually, I just discovered the Hogwarts for writing teachers: Oklahoma Writing Project Summer Institute. After working with 22 other OWP fellows and coaches for three weeks, I feel my writing and teaching has been invigorated. I’ve written several poems and essays for a portfolio I created, and also developed a 90-minute and three-hour presentation that I’ll sharing in the near future. But I digress.

As a result of my work at OWP, I am submitting a proposal to give my presentation at the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of English Fall Conference on October 1. I’ve already registered to attend, and I’d love to see you there.

Here’s the sign up form:


You can also learn more about OCTE and submit your own proposals here.

Related topics: OKCTE

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

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